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Order no: 90201447
Publication: 2301-Delaware Gazette
Start Date: 12/21/2024
Expires: 12/21/2024
Public Notice Advertisement for Bids Bids shall be submitted electronically through the www.bidexpress.com webservice until 10:00 am on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at which time they will be publicly received and read aloud, for the project known as: DEL-2024 Culvert Project All proposals shall be submitted electronically through the web service www.bidexpress.com . The bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of a bid bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the bid or a certified check in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid. In addition to the Bid Security, a Performance Bond is required for this project in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total project cost. The Owner of the project is the Delaware County Board of Commissioners. Copies of the plans and specifications must be obtained from www.bidexpress.com . All bidders must register and be a member of the web service to bid on the project. This notice is posted on the Delaware County website at www.co.delaware.oh.us and may be accessed by selecting “Public Notices and Bids.” The Owner requires that all work associated with the project be completed before August 15, 2025. The estimated commencement of work date is January 27, 2025. This is a prevailing wage contract in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4115 and the requirements of the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Labor and Worker Safety, Wage and Hour Bureau. Bidders shall comply with all applicable provisions. No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening thereof. Awarding of the contract shall be to the Lowest and Best bidder as determined by the Delaware County Board of Commissioners in the best interest of Delaware County. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Delaware Gazette Advertisement Dates: December 21, 2024 90201447

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